Dr. Craig Liebenson is the first health care provider in California to receive a Certification of Recognition from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) on Achievement of Recognition for Delivery of Quality Back Pain Care. He is the founder of First Principles of Movement which
is dedicated to promoting health span and preventing disability by addressing the worldwide inactivity crisis.
Dr. Liebenson has engaged in research as a Visiting Scholar at Pr. Stuart McGill’s Spine Biomechanics Laboratory at the University of Waterloo, Department of Biomechanics & Kinesiology.
Dr. Liebenson has worked with the following teams and organizations:
Seattle Seahawks (NFL)
Arizona Diamonbacks (MLB)
Washington Wizards (NBA)
L.A. Clippers (NBA)
Boston Sports Medicine Group
Calilfornia Angels (MLB)
Minnesota Timberwolves (NBA)
Anglo-European College of Chiropractic
Murdoch University (Perth, Australia)
Equinox TierX
Modern Pilates – Asia-Pacific
Hospital for Special Surgery (New York City)

Desiree DiLorenzo, with her spirit and unwavering dedication, has made it her mission to instill resilience and tenacity in the heart of each client that comes her way. Graduated magna cum laude from California State University, Northridge in 2019 and recently from Southern California University of Health Sciences, her qualifications in Exercise Science and Chiropractic render her an unassailable force in her field.